Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring Fever

Spring time is a good excuse for my absence, right? No?
Seeing as I have no valid excuse for abandoning my Blog post here since last Autumn, I guess Spring Fever can't take all the blame.
I haven't forgotten this blogspot, nor my followers. However, I have failed miserably in letting you all know that I have not left the planet.
Since setting up my new website where I can run multiple blogs at once, Blogspot has suffered. Also, much of my time is taken up with my day job to support the addiction to writing. Five grandsons and another one on the way is awesome, by the way.
LATEST NEWS: (writing news) I have finished another novel and soon will be uploading it on Amazon and Nook. This one will soon be followed by the second and third books in the Encore series.
Encore is now on Nook for all you B&N fans.
Not much other news except that I have been playing around in Twitter a little. FB suffers worse than my Blogspot here, and LinkedIn has some great writing groups that I follow.
Keep writing...and let me know how your progress is coming along.
Drop by over at my website: and browse around, drop a message or two. I receive email alerts when you comment, so I won't be so long in hollering back.
Love Luci

1 comment:

  1. Drop by over ans also browse around.I know this is an older post, but great nonetheless. Thank you for sharing!
